jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013



Italy is located in Southern Europe, on the peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea. South has to Tunisia. Its main distinctive boot shape.


It originated in a banner with the same colors given by Napoleon in November 1796 to a body of Lombard Legion volunteers who joined the French army.
On January 7, 1797 , the standard tricolor was adopted as the emblem of the Republic Cispadana held in Reggio Emilia . It comprised an area of ​​about 40,000 km ² crossed by the river Po and Milan as the seat of government. I was provided with an army composed of French troops.The Cisalpine Republic created on July 9, 1797 by Napoleon Bonaparte used the current arrangement tricolor stripes .There is a theory about the origin of the three colors that binds with the insignia of a secret society that developed a significant influence on the politics of the time. Representatives of Reggio Emilia as proposed adopting the tricolor flag of the new state that was created free at that time. In Reggio Assembly set to join Milan Reggio Emilia four cities that were under Napoleonic rule , but as it was possible, it was decided to establish at least one flag . This was the origin of the Italian flag . With the fall of Napoleon in 1814 , was abolished by restoration , but returned to be used during the five days of Milan .Shortly afterwards he was hoisted on the towers of Milan and the highest point in the city. The March 24, 1848 , the Austrians had to leave Milan who had been under his dominion . The King of Piedmont - Sardinia, Charles Albert of Savoy , the tricolor distributed among different Piedmontese army units entered the Lombardy in support of the insurgents and arranged in the center of it is incorporated shield the house Savoy. From this episode the tricolor flag has been the symbol of the Italian nation .In 1849 in Rome , the Roman Republic was established and Giuseppe Mazzini adopted as the tricolor flag , writing on the white stripe initials of the Roman Republic . But officially , with the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy on 17 March 1861 adopted the version created by Charles Albert of Savoy , the Savoy shield surmounted by a royal crown on the state flag . This model remained in place eighty years until the fall of the monarchy on June 2, 1946 , and since that time the national flag is made without any logo or shield.The nineteenth -century poet , Francesco Dall'Ongaro , explained the symbolism of the colors of the flag using a description of the Italian territory . " White as the Alps , red like volcanoes and green as the plains of Lombardy " .


The current coat of Italy, officer since 1948, the initial design was made by Paolo Paschetto, winner of the public tender held between 1946 and 1947 to elect a new coat to replace the old royal arms, as he had proclaimed two Italian Republic years earlier.
This shield was approved by the Constituent Assembly of the Italian Republic on January 31, 1948 and promulgated by the president Enrico De Nicola on May 5 of that year, by Legislative Decree number 535.
It consists of a five-pointed white star with red border, the Stellone d'Italia (Star of Italy), a traditional symbol of Italy. The star is located on a toothed wheel that symbolizes the work and progress. The whole is surrounded by a wreath formed by a branch of oak or oak, as representing the strength and dignity of the Italian people, and olive in reference to the desire for peace of the nation. The two branches are joined by a red ribbon with the phrase "REPVBBLICA ITALIANA" ("Italy") written in letters blancas.1
Strictly speaking it is not a shield but an emblem, since not follow heraldic rules, although Spanish has extended the use this term to designate the national emblems of different countries, whether or not heraldic character.



Language The official language and spoken by the majority is the Italian of the Indo-European language family romances. Also there are areas where people speak German, French, Catalan, Croatian


Italy, officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is a sovereign member of the European Union. It is a bi-continental country, its territory is in Southern Europe and North Africa, its European territory is formed by the Italian peninsula, the Po valley and two large islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia, in Africa are the Pelagie islands and Pantelleria island. In the north is bordered by the Alps, where it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italy. In turn Campione d'Italia is an Italian municipality forming a small enclave on Swiss territory.
Has been the home of many European cultures as Nuraghe civilization, the Etruscans, Greeks and Romans and was also the cradle of Humanism and the Renaissance, which began in the region of Tuscany and soon spread throughout Europe. Italy's capital, Rome, was for centuries the political and cultural center of Western civilization, and also the holy city for the Catholic Church, for within the city is the Vatican microstate. The country's cultural significance is reflected in its World Heritage because it has forty-seven, the largest number in the world.


Climate The climate in Italy is varied, from a cold climate in the elevations of the Apennines and the Alps, to semitropical on the Ligurian coast. The average annual temperature ranges earns 11 ° C


The euro (EUR or €) is the currency for the European nations belonging to the European Union Eurozone. The euro coins have two different sides, a common side (front) across Europe indicating the value of the currency and the national side with the chosen design for each of the countries.
Italian euro coins each have a unique design, dedicated to honoring the works of most famous Italian art. Each coin was designed by a different artist, namely coin 1 cent to 2 euro: Eugenio Driutti, Luciana De Simoni, Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini, Claudia Momoni, Maria Angela Cassol, Roberto Mauri, Laura and Maria Carmela Cretara Colaneri. All designs have in common the 12 stars of the European Union, the year of minting and overlapping letters "RI" Repubblica Italiana (Italian Republic).


Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the national economy with 43.7 million tourists per year and a total of 42,700 million dollars generated, making it the fourth largest tourism world.60 over Rome, the capital, is one of the most visited destinations in the world, with an average of 7 to 10 million tourists per year.61 the Coliseum in Rome with four million tourists, is 37. º world.62 most visited site also benefits from religious and cultural tourism that generates the neighborhood to Vatican City visited places such as the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica.

Other places of interest include Agrippa's Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Piazza Navona, Roman Forum, Castel Sant'Angelo 63 or Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, the last sovereign of Vatican City. The cultural interest of the country is also reflected in all the World Heritage of Unesco which has, as it is the country that contains as many places in the world with 47.2


Education Italy has a long tradition of education, cultivated since the days of the Empire. The current education system was in place since 1859, with a law that guarantees the possibility of instrument